Graduate student office hours Fall 2023: (drop in) Wednesdays 2-4pm in SSMS 2129
International human rights
Fields: Heterodox Political Economy; Financialization; Money and Banking; Financial Markets and Institutions; Post-Keynesian Economics; Dependency Theory; Mixed-Methods
Areas of Expertise: International Financial Subordination; Latin American Economies; Cross-Border Capital Flows; Pension Funds; Green Finance; Feminist Economics; International Monetary System; Hierarchies in Global Finance; Social Network Analysis; Interviews; Methodology
- Assistant Professor
- Affiliate faculty member in the Department of Geography and the Interdepartmental PhD Emphasis in Environment and Society
Global political economy; Technology; Labor; Postcolonial Development; Social Theory; Supply chains, Logistics, and Infrastructure studies
International climate politics, global environmental governance, sustainable development, political economy, international organizations and governance
- Associate Professor
- Director of the Division of Social Sciences Faculty Mentoring Program
- Chair of Global Studies DEI Committee
- Member of Committee on Admissions Enrollment and Relations with Schools (CAERS)
- Affiliate Faculty Member of: Black Studies; Comparative Literature; Feminist Studies; English
- African Diaspora
- Caribbean literature
- Post-colonial Literature
- Haitian literature, culture, history
- Gender and transnationalism
- Migration and identity
- Anti-colonialism and Decoloniality
Global political economy of urbanization, ecology and agrarian change, with a focus on post-colonial Africa
Specializing in the literary and cultural study of the Caribbean, Europe and North Africa from the eighteenth century to the present.
Fields: Development Economics; Labor Economics; Political Economy.
Topics: Structural transformation; Globalization; Employment; Education; Public Services.
Conflict and violence, civil wars, protests and repression, statebuilding, democracy and authoritarianism, African and Latin American politics