Middle Eastern Studies, Gender and Queer Studies, Global Governance, Civil Society and Human Rights
(2016) Bachelor of Arts, International Relations, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Miguel was born and raised in Mexico City, and has always been passionate about Middle Eastern studies. This passion led him to become the Chief of Staff of the Arab Week in Mexico, the largest scholarly space fostering the study of MENA in Mexico. He is currently exploring interregional comparisons on human rights regimes, specially looking at MENA and Latin America. He is most interested in the intersections between gender, sexuality, and global governance.
He earned his Bachelor's degree in International Relations at El Colegio de México in 2016, where he presented a honor's thesis on transnational LGBT+ activism in Lebanon, Egypt and Iran. He spent a semester as an exchange program student in Sciences Po Paris, where he organized conferences intertwining sexual diversity and religion, and did field work in Egypt and Lebanon for his research project. His research interests led him to volunteer for an UNESCO-led conference on the education sector responses to violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression (May 2016), as well as an English teacher in Hebron, Palestine, during the summer, 2016.
Despite he has interned in governmental offices, such as the Coordination of Advisors to the Mexican Chancellor, and the Mexican Embassy in France, he finds the academia the most exciting space for him to develop his future projects. He is currently a member of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and hopes the Global Studies PhD program allows him to pursue a career as a researcher.
Muslim Mexican population; Islam in Latin America; Sexual Diversity in MENA and Latin America; Transnational LGBT+ Activism in MENA and Latin America; Global Governance of Gender and Sexuality.
The construction of masculinity through HIV in Egypt (to be presented in MESA Annual Meeting, November, 2017.
? Anna Ayuso, Santiago Villar, Camila Pastor and Miguel Fuentes, “Actors and Opportunities: Inter-regional Processes of the Arab Region and Latin America and the Caribbean”, Atlantic Future, 2015, Working Paper.
? Anna Ayuso, Santiago Villar, Camila Pastor and Miguel Fuentes, “Actorness and Opportunities for Interregionalism between Arab Countries and Latin America and Caribbean”, in Andreas Schechter (ed.), Interregionalism, New York, Springer Press, in press.
? Miguel Fuentes, “Sexuality and Law”, in Michael Ryan y Helen Rizzo (eds.), Sexualities in the Contemporary Middle East, vol. 2, in press.
Teaching Assistant (W'18): GLOBL 130 - Global Economy and Development
Teaching Assistant (F'18): GLOBL 120 - Global Ideologies and World Order
Teaching Assistant (W'19): GLOBL 130 - Global Economy and Development
Teaching Assistant (S'19): GLOBL 2 - Global Socioeconomic and Political Processes
Teaching Assistant (F'19): GLOBL 110 - Global Culture and Ethics
Teaching Assistant (W'20): GLOBL 130 - Global Economy and Development
Teaching Assistant (S'20): GLOBL 111 - Human Rights and World Order
Teaching Assistant (F'20): GLOBL 130 - Global Economy and Development
Teaching Assistant (W'21): GLOBL 130 - Global Economy and Development
Teaching Assistant (S'21): GLOBL 130 - Global Economy and Development