Award Date:
Monday, June 10, 2019
Congratulations to our Global Studies undergraduate student's award announcement from Career Services:
Career Services and the Internship Scholarship Selection Committee are thrilled to announce the award recipients of the Internship Scholarship Program and to celebrate the career ambition and accomplishments of these undergraduates as they surpass barriers towards professional success. The 2019 award recipients have landed impressive summer internship and research positions that will expand their professional network and career opportunities, ranging from on-campus and local positions to opportunities in the nation’s capital and beyond. The program promotes attainment of professional preparation and provides scholarships of $1,500 to make necessary experience more accessible by offsetting financial hardships associated with unpaid internships. Read more about their achievements below.
Joy-B.A. B.A. Global Studies, French, Spring 2020 – Intern with Théâtre de l’Opprimé, Paris, France
“As a Global Studies major aiming to go into fundraising for an international nonprofit organization, having experience with the strategic aspect of individual donor solicitation is vital. I have had experience working directly with lower level donors, writing grant applications, and even drafting fundraising plans, but I have yet to experience strategizing major donor solicitation and cultivation…being able to demonstrate that I have previously represented a major nonprofit to high-scale donors will give me a competitive edge.”
Read more about all of the 2019 Career Catalyst Award Recipients here:
August 5, 2019 - 2:19pm