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Speaker Bios:
LU Ming
Professor Lu is director of Center for China Development Studies at the Department of Economics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is a member of the Shanghai National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He also works as an expert consultant for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. He has been a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University and a visiting scholar at the United Nations University/World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), Helsinki, Finland, Université Paris Sorbonne, Queen’s University, Canada, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, and National University of Singapore.
LU’s research has mainly focused on Labor Economics (income distribution, and migration), Development Economics (urbanization, and regional development) and Social Economics (social network, trust and economic development). LU has published The Space Power, China's Economic Development: Institutions, Growth and Imbalances ( co-author ), and China's Regional Development: Review and Prospect (one of the editors ), A New Economic Growth Engine for China (one of the editors, China’s Development Road of Major Economy(co-author), China’s Regional Economic Development : Review and Prospect (co-author ), The Market Integration and Industrial Agglomeration in the China Regional Economic Development (co-author), The Wages and Employment Bargaining Theory : Study on the Efficiency of China's Dual Employment System etc.
Wing T Woo
Wing Thye Woo is Professor at University of California at Davis; Professor at Sunway University in Kuala Lumpur (heading the Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia and the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development); Professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, Professor at the Institute of Population and Labor Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing; Distinguished Fellow at the Penang Institute; and Director of the East Asian Program within the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. His current research focuses on macroeconomic management of open economies; and on the growth challenges (e.g. the middle-income trap, and the Sustainable Development Goals) of the East Asian economies, particularly, China, Indonesia and Malaysia. Wing’s publications include Macroeconomic Crisis and Long-Term Growth: The Case of Indonesia,1965-1990 (World Bank Press, 1994), Ranking the Liveability of the Major Cities in the World (World Scientific, 2012), and A New Global Reserve System for a Transformed Global Economy, and the Design of the East Asian Component (MIT Press, forthcoming).