Danielle Bart is from Trinidad, and is desperately interested in everything to do with global governance.
Her main academic preoccupation is sitting, thinking about global governance in the framework of geopolitical structures, realities and events, while also considering related political economy themes, cultural and social circumstances and civil society action. Her thesis will probably focus on exploring ways of increasing representation, accountability and efficiency within global governance.
When she ‘grows up,’ she would like to help reform the UN and major intergovernmental and international finance organizations (although she'll probably have to settle with just some of the above).
Up to now, the research areas Danielle has looked at include democracy and participation within global governance, economic policy and the financing of global institutional action, and the potential impact of business and economic policy reforms on development.
In the few spare moments not spent feeding her growing obsession with global governance, Danielle indulges her other passions, which include reading good books, watching good movies, taking good pictures, playing good ultimate Frisbee, and other good things. If you have opinions on any of this, she'd love to hear from you.
Danielle is currently at Harvard Law School; prior to that she was at the London School of Economics Center for Global Governance (arguably the leading center dedicated to the study of global civil society) in England, where she examined grassroots movements and global governance; she also pursued a part-time internship with the new Economics Foundation.