Global Governance and Human Rights
2012: Bachelor of Arts, UC Santa Cruz, Cinema and Digital Media
Timothy Irvine is currently studying Global Governance and Human Rights (MA UCSB 2016), after studying Media and Globalization (BA UCSC 2012) and working at the Red Cross for two years. His UCSC experience in Oakes College and UCEAP programs in Italy and Botswana have taught him the global scale of social justice issues. Additionally, his humanitarian non-profit work has taught him that instead of disorganized private-sector reactions to governmental policy failures, widespread reform must achieved through truly democratic means.
Timothy's MA Thesis investigates the contemporary university student protests for education policy reform in Germany, South Africa, and California. He spends most of his time studying, writing, and in his free time he travels and practices photography. He cares most about: human rights and feminism; resistant media and politics; and someday adopting a rescue dog he can seasonally dress in ugly sweaters.
University protests around the world, emphasizing anti-austerity protests post the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.
Connecting global protests, such as #RhodesMustFall in South Africa and #BlackLivesMatter in the USA.
Improving collective organizing in CA universities through labor unions, such as the UAW, and student associatins, such as UCSA.