The intersection of Race and Migration, Transnational Migration Policy, Critical Border Studies, Ethnographic Methods
B.A. in Social Communication and Journalism - Universidade Estacio de Sa (2008)
M.A. in Latin American and Latino Studies - University of Illinois at Chicago (2014)
Ph.D. in Global Studies - University of California, Santa Barbara (2023)
Emphases in Black Studies and Demography
Advanced Training in Migration Research:
Migration Research Methods Summer Institute - UC Berkeley, Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (2022)
Cartographies of Racial Justice Beyond Borders Research Summer Institute - Cornell University, Migration Initiatives (2021)
Amanda Pinheiro is a journalist and an interdisciplinary scholar of the intersection of race, migration, and transnational policy. She investigates the human cost of racially charged migration deterrence policies and practices in the Americas, foregrounding race and ethnicity in global migration research and policymaking. Her current work is a multi-country ethnography that examines how transnational migration politics and policies, imbued with racial discrimination, have forced the displacement of Haitians through the Americas in the last decade. Pinheiro holds an MA in Latin American and Latino studies from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Prior to joining academia, she was an investigative reporter in her hometown of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Pinheiro de Oliveira, Amanda et al. “The World We Became: Map Quest 2350, A Speculative Digital Atlas Beyond Climate Crisis,” Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas. Fall 2023
Pinheiro de Oliveira, Amanda (with Wangui Kimari). “Resisting Colonial Deaths: Displaced
Black Migrant Populations in Brazil and Kenya,” Kalfou, Journal of Comparative and
Relational Ethnic Studies. Fall 2021.
Pinheiro de Oliveira, Amanda. “Brazil’s Militarized War on Zika,” Global Societies Journal,
Volume 4. Spring 2016.
Public Scholarship
Op-ed “A Letter to the Four Haitian Asylum Seekers I Met on This Side of the Rio Grande,”
Santa Barbara Independent 2021
Teaching Associate, Department of Global Studies, UC Santa Barbara
(course design and instruction)
Global Migrations (upper division course, 31 students) 2021
Global Diasporas (upper division course, 35 students) 2020
Global History, Culture, and Ideology (survey course, 206 students, 3 TAs) 2019
Teaching Assistant Appointments, UC Santa Barbara
American Migrations Since 1965 – ASAM 2 (4 quarters) 2020–2022
Global Culture and Ethics – GLOBL 110 (Spring) 2022
Global History, Culture, and Ideology – GLOBL 1 (4 quarters) 2015–2022
Global Socioeconomic and Political Processes – GLOBL 2 (2 quarters) 2016–2019
Global Diasporas and Cultural Change – GLOBL 104 (2 quarters) 2018–2019
Global Media – GLOBL 157 (Winter) 2017
Major Works of Anglophonic African Literatures – BLST 33 (Fall) 2022
Critical Race and Racism – BLST 4 (Winter) 2019
Introduction to African Studies – BLST 3 (2 quarters) 2017–2018
Introduction to African American Studies – BLST 1 (Winter) 2018
Introduction to Caribbean Studies – BLST 7 (2 quarters) 2017–2018
Introduction to Chicana/o Studies Culture – CHST 1 (Spring) 2017