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Conflict and violence, civil wars, protests and repression, statebuilding, democracy and authoritarianism, African and Latin American politics
2024. “Levels of Analysis and Variation in Civil War Violence and Restraint: Ideology and Contestation in Nicaragua,” Journal of Global Security Studies 9(2): ogae018.
2024. “Statebuilding and Indigenous Rights Implementation: Political Incentives, Social Movement Pressure, and Autonomy Policy in Central America,” World Development 175 (March): 106468 (with Giorleny Altamirano Rayo and Eric Mosinger).
2023. “Framing Police Violence: Repression, Resistance, and the Persistent Power of History in Chile,” Journal of Politics 85 (4), (with Lisa Mueller and Eric Mosinger).
2022. “Rebel Mobilization through Pandering: Insincere Leaders and Exploitation of Popular Grievances,” Security Studies 31(3): 351-380. Methodological appendix available here.
2022. “Taking Responsibility and Tying Hands: The Case for Limiting U.S. Relationships with Armed Groups,” Harvard International Law Journal Online 63. Full text here.
2022. “Nicaragua: Doubling Down on Dictatorship,” Journal of Democracy 33(2): 133-146 (with Eric Mosinger). Due to space and citation limits, an additional annotated bibliography is here.
2022. “Delegation, Sponsorship, and Autonomy: An Integrated Framework for Understanding Armed Group-State Relationships.” Journal of Global Security Studies 7(1): ogab026.
2022. “Civil Resistance in the Shadow of the Revolution: Historical Framing in Nicaragua’s Sudden Uprising.” Comparative Politics 54(2): 253-277 (with Eric Mosinger, Diana Paz García, and Charlotte Fowler).
2021. “Military Integration and Intelligence Capacity: Informational Effects of Incorporating Former Rebels.” Political Research Exchange 3(1): 1-21.
2021. “Reflexivity and Temporality in Researching Violent Settings: Problems with the Replicability and Transparency Regime.” Geopolitics 26(1): 18-44.
2018. “Has Liberia Turned a Corner?” Journal of Democracy 29(3): 156-170 (with Benjamin Spatz).
2017. “Nicaragua: A Return to Caudillismo.” Journal of Democracy 28(2): 157-169.
2017. “Mixed Methods Research in the Study of Political and Social Violence and Conflict.” Journal of Mixed Methods Research 11(1): 59-76.
2016. “Dynamique et diversité des armées africaines: État des connaissances.” Afrique Contemporaine 2016/4(260): 27-44 (with Jason Warner).
2014. “Socioeconomic Conditions and Violence in Cape Town, South Africa.” Economics of Peace and Security 9(2): 34-42 (with Jeremy Seekings).
2012. “Ideology and Violence in Civil Wars: Theory and Evidence from Mozambique and Angola.” Civil Wars 14(4): 546-567.
2012. “Foreshadowing Future Slaughter: From the Indonesian Killings of 1965-66 to Genocide in East Timor.” Genocide Studies and Prevention 7(2/3): 204-222.
2009. “Avoiding the Abyss: Finding a Way Forward in Guinea-Bissau.” Portuguese Journal of International Affairs 1(2): 3-14.
2022. “Nicaragua: Populist Performance and Authoritarian Practice during Covid-19” in Nils Ringe and Lucio Renno (eds.), Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists Around the World Responded to COVID-19 (New York: Routledge), pp.184-195 (with Rachel Schwartz).
2021. “Nicaragua and Covid-19: Authoritarian Indifference,” in Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Haeran Lim, and Habibul Khonder (eds.), Covid-19 and Governance: Crisis Reveals, pp.229-241 (New York: Routledge).
2019. “Mixed Methods in the Study of Violence,” in Walter S. DeKeseredy, Callie Marie Rennison, and Amanda K. Hall-Sanchez (eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Violence Studies, pp.19-29 (New York: Routledge).
2018. “U.S. Action and Inaction in the Massacre of Communists and Alleged Communists in Indonesia,” in Samuel Totten (ed.), Dirty Hands and Vicious Deeds: The US Government’s Complicity in Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, pp.23-69 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).
2013. “Brazil, Biofuels, and Food Security in Mozambique,” in Renu Modi and Fantu Cheru (eds.), Agricultural Development and Food Security in Africa: The Impact of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian Investments, pp.145-158 (London: Zed Books).
Additional works are available at https://kaithaler.com/publications/,
Global 120 Global Ideologies and World Order
Global 124 Peace, Conflict, and Violence in Global Perspective
Global 224 Research Methods
Global 292BG Contemporary Global Conflict: Nonviolent and Violent Resistance and Repression