I'm just getting inspired for the future - where do I start? If you're a few years out from applying, take a look at the UCEAP website to get a feel for program options that might interest you.
I'm ready to get started on my application for the next study abroad cycle! What's the process? (*Fall, summer, and full year apps are usually due somewhere in the November-March range of the year prior; winter quarter and spring semester/quarter deadlines are a bit later but still completed in the academic year prior)
A few notes on the basic process are as follows:
- Finding the right program for you and beginning your application - start with the UCSB EAP advisors and peer advisors; their contact info is here
- Vist their Explore page to see the big overview of steps you'll follow, then visit the Apply page, including checking the program due dates and getting your passport (this can take quite along time, so you need to plan ahead)
- They can help you get started using the UCEAP website to narrow down a program for which you want to apply - there is even a Global Studies-specific page on their website.
- Planning your time abroad as a Global Studies major:
- Because of the way we can use EAP credits, your program choices are almost unlimited (mostly, stay away from programs that are heavily STEM-oriented if you want to use your abroad courses towards Global Studies major requirements)
- Ask yourself: do I want to work on area III (and maybe area IIB) upper division courses? Do I want to work on part of the language requirement? A bit of both? Do I want to find a program that offers an internship option? Use these questions to guide you as you use the different "Find a Program" filters to check out program options
- We've also created a spreadsheet where you can find specific program ideas that would likely fulfill specific areas on the major sheet - use the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to help you find the major requirement(s) you're looking to fulfill, then use that to narrow down potential locations and programs!
- When you're ready, start an account on the UCEAP website and begin the application
- It's free to apply!!!
- Make a plan to talk to the UCSB EAP office advisors for:
- Financial aid options
- General application questions
- Major-specific questions about filling out the Academic Planning Form can come to our advisors in Global Studies - see contact info here
- Before you complete your application, you'll research class options using the tools on your chosen program's Academics tab (the university's own course catalogs, UCEAP's Course Catalog to see courses previous students have taken, Campus Credit Abroad to see courses previous UCSB Global Studies students have taken and used towards their major requirements), then complete an Academic Planning Form to show to the Global Studies undergraduate advisor and/or peer advisors for feedback and a signature.
- We use this criteria when considering whether a course is a good fit for the Global Studies requirements, and you should, too! Make sure to only take upper division courses for upper division major requirement sections!
- Then, when you return and the grades appear in GOLD (up to 3-4 months after you return), you can request a petition for your courses provided they meet the criteria linked above (even if you ended up taking different courses while abroad)
Main resources to help you plan your time abroad with UCEAP:
- Picking a program:
- UCEAP website + Find a Program filters
- UCSB EAP advisors and peer advisors
- Global Studies advisors (contact info here)
- This database spreadsheet, which organizes programs by how they can potentially help you fulfill certain parts of the major requirements
- Navigate the tabs using what part of the major requirements you hope to work on, and then you can see program options. You can then look for these specific programs on the UCEAP website for more details
- IMPORTANT: if the info on this spreadsheet differs from what's listed on the UCEAP program page, follow what's there, as the spreadsheet may not contain the most updated information
- Completing your application:
- This video on our Global Studies YouTube advising channel, which walks you through completing the Academic Planning Form as part of your application, including how to check your Major and GE Progress Check on GOLD to know what you have completed and still have to complete for your degree requirements.
- Remember: these courses are a tentative plan; do not be concerned if you end up taking courses that are different than the ones you list - you just want to get a chance to plan types of courses you'd be looking for in order to count towards your remaining degree and/or major requirements
- Feel free to reach out to our Global Studies EAP peer advisors if you need help and/or a final signature on this
- Signatures needed: one from us (Undergraduate Advisor or an EAP Peer Advisor), one from your other department (if you are a double major), and one from a College of Letters and Sciences advisor ONLY if you plan to graduate from abroad (and make sure you plan that out very carefully with us, if that's your plan)
- We can also sign off on your (optional) program extension page - filling this out now just makes it easier if you are having such a fabulous time abroad that you decide to extend your program so that you know of additional courses that could potentially work for your degree/major plans
- UCSB EAP advisors and peer advisors - for all other general program/application questions (visa/passport questions, other aspects of the application process)
- This video on our Global Studies YouTube advising channel, which walks you through completing the Academic Planning Form as part of your application, including how to check your Major and GE Progress Check on GOLD to know what you have completed and still have to complete for your degree requirements.
- When you return to UCSB:
- Use this form to request a petition for your course(s) once you have final grades in GOLD/your Major and GE Progress Check for them (this can take several weeks or a couple months; no hurry if you're a continuing student!)
- Use this criteria sheet to refresh your memory as to how you'd planned to use your courses towards Global Studies major requirements + how we can accept the courses